Monday, September 30, 2019

My sisters keeper

Fitzgerald, who is an engineered baby, Is currently functioning at Erik Erosion's â€Å"Identity versus Identity confusion† stage. All her life she has been used by her parents as a donor for her dying sister, Kate, who is a suffering leukemia patient. Ana is finally at the point where she is evidentially trying to find her identity because she wants to claim the rights to her own body. She is now old enough to realize that being a donor can have a negative effect on herself.Erikson states that people in the Identity versus identity confusion stage begin to evolve the ability to explore different alternatives to questions of concerns Noon). One of Ana's alternatives for her situation concerning the rights to her own body Is getting a Lawyer. In this scene she shows how important it is for her to have her own identity by wanting to sue her own mother (Captivates). When she tells the lawyer about her situation and presents him with her medical documents, it shows how she is mora lly developing and growing up to be an individual person? not an object (Excavates).This is a big step for somebody her age. One would expect her to go erectly to her mother Instead of going through the hassle of bringing the Justice system into play. During the identity versus isolation stage Erikson says, â€Å"Parents and teachers are important at this stage. They can help to inform a positive identity by providing opportunities and encouragement as adolescences explore the various options of life† (John). In Ana's case, her mother, Sara, is not there to encourage her to be an Individual or explore the many paths which she can take in life. This isolates her from both of her parents.In the court scene near the end, Sara and the lawyer debate about Ana's mindset. Sara says that she needs to continue to use Ana In order to save Kate, and she has no choice but to do so because she is too young to make her own decisions (Captivates). In opposition to Sara, the lawyer stands up for Ana since she has nobody else to stand up for her against her mother (Captivates). Instead of providing Ana with opportunities to be free from sacrificing herself for Kate, Sara decides that Ana cannot make decisions of her own because of her progressively unhealthy attachment to Kate.She Is hindering Ana's exploration by telling her what she wants and does not want (John). During the movie Kate Fitzgerald is in Kohlrabi's pre conventional stage of â€Å"personal usefulness. † Kate is getting increasingly sick and as each day goes by she is more and more accepting of the fact that she does not have much longer to live. Goldberg states, â€Å"To the person In this stage, what Is right is that which satisfies one's own needs and occasionally the needs of others† (Wee). Kate ultimately aims to please herself because she wants to be with her boyfriend who dies before her. This is the reason why she is not afraid to die anymore.In one scene, Kate has a conversation wit h Ana and says, â€Å"Would you pull the plug for me? (Captivates). This question takes Ana off guard, and Kate tells her that she is not afraid of dying. Her reason which justifies this statement is because her boyfriend has already moved on, which then leads her into convincing Ana into stop being a donor (Asseverates). Kate does not take her family's feelings Into account while she makes the decision to tell through to keep her alive, how much they love her and how hard it would be for Ana to claim the rights to her own body, but she looks past all of this and still puts her feelings first.The basic motivation â€Å"you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours† is what titivates Kate (Wee). Ana gets what she wants by manipulating Ana and telling her about the consequences of donating her kidneys (Captivates). Ana aims to please herself; however there are times when she recognizes how her cancer affects her family's bond. As she is in her hospital bed looking through a scrap book, she reflects on how the attention has always been on her rather than her older brother and Ana (Captivates).Part of her motive to let her cancer kill her is based on her siblings' feelings which she takes into consideration? if she is out of the picture then they will get more attention from their parents. Ana is functioning at Kohlrabies personal usefulness because her motivations are based on her personal gain, and she partially takes others' feelings into consideration when making decisions (Wee). Moreover, her moral development is still progressing and has the potential to be at the conventional level where she puts others before herself.This is seen because of the fact that she takes time to reflect on how her siblings feel when all the attention is on her. Sara Fitzgerald goes from Fowlers â€Å"personal faith† to â€Å"mystical faith. † A person who is in the personal faith stage may run into some gray areas and tension with there while searching for the truth (Wee). Sara's search for the truth about Skate's wants causes a lot of tension between her and her family because when the answers are in front of her, she does not see them or they seem to be unclear.Her attachment to Kate is causing her to be oblivious to the wants and needs of her children, especially Kate who wants to die. In the court scene, the brother says to Sara, â€Å"Skate's dying and everybody knows it! You Just love her so much that you don't want to let her go. She told you a million times, you didn't want to hear it† (Captivates). Sara hints that she is doing everything to in her power to please Kate by keeping her alive, but in reality she is only pleasing herself and this is part of the personal faith stage pertaining to gray areas and unclear answers.Only when her son brings the truth to her out in the open, does she realize that as she keeps her spirit alive, she is killing Skate's. This answer to the question she has been searching for is a bad thing for Sara in the short term, but has its benefits in the long run. It is bad because she the truth is not what she wants to hear and causes her spirit to weaken. It is good that she hears the truth because it gives her a chance to finally move on to the next level of spiritual growth, mystical faith.Before Kate dies, she begins to open up instead of turning her head away from what Kate has to say like she usually does. In the mystical faith stage the person challenges and improves structure because they are more accepting. Near the end of the movie when Kate shows Sara her scrapbook she made, she begins to cry and lays down beside Kate. This symbolizes that she is beginning to accept the fact that Kate is dying and she needs to let her go. Her acceptance at this time and even after Kate is gone shows her improvement in structure.For Sara, her transition from one stage to another took place by overcoming a crisis she was facing, which is what one should do in order to move on to the next stage of spiritual growth (Wee). Captivates, Nick, dir. My Sister's Keeper. Writ. Level Jeremy. Film. 26 Novo 2012. John , B. In search of the good: A catholic understanding of moral living. 2nd deed. Ottawa: the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2004. Print. Wee, J. â€Å"Fowlers Six Stages of Spiritual Growth. † Trans. Reappoint. Wee,J. â€Å"Kohlrabi's Stages of Moral Reasoning. † Trans. Reappoint. My sisters keeper Fitzgerald, who is an engineered baby, Is currently functioning at Erik Erosion's â€Å"Identity versus Identity confusion† stage. All her life she has been used by her parents as a donor for her dying sister, Kate, who is a suffering leukemia patient. Ana is finally at the point where she is evidentially trying to find her identity because she wants to claim the rights to her own body. She is now old enough to realize that being a donor can have a negative effect on herself.Erikson states that people in the Identity versus identity confusion stage begin to evolve the ability to explore different alternatives to questions of concerns Noon). One of Ana's alternatives for her situation concerning the rights to her own body Is getting a Lawyer. In this scene she shows how important it is for her to have her own identity by wanting to sue her own mother (Captivates). When she tells the lawyer about her situation and presents him with her medical documents, it shows how she is mora lly developing and growing up to be an individual person? not an object (Excavates).This is a big step for somebody her age. One would expect her to go erectly to her mother Instead of going through the hassle of bringing the Justice system into play. During the identity versus isolation stage Erikson says, â€Å"Parents and teachers are important at this stage. They can help to inform a positive identity by providing opportunities and encouragement as adolescences explore the various options of life† (John). In Ana's case, her mother, Sara, is not there to encourage her to be an Individual or explore the many paths which she can take in life. This isolates her from both of her parents.In the court scene near the end, Sara and the lawyer debate about Ana's mindset. Sara says that she needs to continue to use Ana In order to save Kate, and she has no choice but to do so because she is too young to make her own decisions (Captivates). In opposition to Sara, the lawyer stands up for Ana since she has nobody else to stand up for her against her mother (Captivates). Instead of providing Ana with opportunities to be free from sacrificing herself for Kate, Sara decides that Ana cannot make decisions of her own because of her progressively unhealthy attachment to Kate.She Is hindering Ana's exploration by telling her what she wants and does not want (John). During the movie Kate Fitzgerald is in Kohlrabi's pre conventional stage of â€Å"personal usefulness. † Kate is getting increasingly sick and as each day goes by she is more and more accepting of the fact that she does not have much longer to live. Goldberg states, â€Å"To the person In this stage, what Is right is that which satisfies one's own needs and occasionally the needs of others† (Wee). Kate ultimately aims to please herself because she wants to be with her boyfriend who dies before her. This is the reason why she is not afraid to die anymore.In one scene, Kate has a conversation wit h Ana and says, â€Å"Would you pull the plug for me? (Captivates). This question takes Ana off guard, and Kate tells her that she is not afraid of dying. Her reason which justifies this statement is because her boyfriend has already moved on, which then leads her into convincing Ana into stop being a donor (Asseverates). Kate does not take her family's feelings Into account while she makes the decision to tell through to keep her alive, how much they love her and how hard it would be for Ana to claim the rights to her own body, but she looks past all of this and still puts her feelings first.The basic motivation â€Å"you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours† is what titivates Kate (Wee). Ana gets what she wants by manipulating Ana and telling her about the consequences of donating her kidneys (Captivates). Ana aims to please herself; however there are times when she recognizes how her cancer affects her family's bond. As she is in her hospital bed looking through a scrap book, she reflects on how the attention has always been on her rather than her older brother and Ana (Captivates).Part of her motive to let her cancer kill her is based on her siblings' feelings which she takes into consideration? if she is out of the picture then they will get more attention from their parents. Ana is functioning at Kohlrabies personal usefulness because her motivations are based on her personal gain, and she partially takes others' feelings into consideration when making decisions (Wee). Moreover, her moral development is still progressing and has the potential to be at the conventional level where she puts others before herself.This is seen because of the fact that she takes time to reflect on how her siblings feel when all the attention is on her. Sara Fitzgerald goes from Fowlers â€Å"personal faith† to â€Å"mystical faith. † A person who is in the personal faith stage may run into some gray areas and tension with there while searching for the truth (Wee). Sara's search for the truth about Skate's wants causes a lot of tension between her and her family because when the answers are in front of her, she does not see them or they seem to be unclear.Her attachment to Kate is causing her to be oblivious to the wants and needs of her children, especially Kate who wants to die. In the court scene, the brother says to Sara, â€Å"Skate's dying and everybody knows it! You Just love her so much that you don't want to let her go. She told you a million times, you didn't want to hear it† (Captivates). Sara hints that she is doing everything to in her power to please Kate by keeping her alive, but in reality she is only pleasing herself and this is part of the personal faith stage pertaining to gray areas and unclear answers.Only when her son brings the truth to her out in the open, does she realize that as she keeps her spirit alive, she is killing Skate's. This answer to the question she has been searching for is a bad thing for Sara in the short term, but has its benefits in the long run. It is bad because she the truth is not what she wants to hear and causes her spirit to weaken. It is good that she hears the truth because it gives her a chance to finally move on to the next level of spiritual growth, mystical faith.Before Kate dies, she begins to open up instead of turning her head away from what Kate has to say like she usually does. In the mystical faith stage the person challenges and improves structure because they are more accepting. Near the end of the movie when Kate shows Sara her scrapbook she made, she begins to cry and lays down beside Kate. This symbolizes that she is beginning to accept the fact that Kate is dying and she needs to let her go. Her acceptance at this time and even after Kate is gone shows her improvement in structure.For Sara, her transition from one stage to another took place by overcoming a crisis she was facing, which is what one should do in order to move on to the next stage of spiritual growth (Wee). Captivates, Nick, dir. My Sister's Keeper. Writ. Level Jeremy. Film. 26 Novo 2012. John , B. In search of the good: A catholic understanding of moral living. 2nd deed. Ottawa: the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2004. Print. Wee, J. â€Å"Fowlers Six Stages of Spiritual Growth. † Trans. Reappoint. Wee,J. â€Å"Kohlrabi's Stages of Moral Reasoning. † Trans. Reappoint. My sisters keeper Fitzgerald, who is an engineered baby, Is currently functioning at Erik Erosion's â€Å"Identity versus Identity confusion† stage. All her life she has been used by her parents as a donor for her dying sister, Kate, who is a suffering leukemia patient. Ana is finally at the point where she is evidentially trying to find her identity because she wants to claim the rights to her own body. She is now old enough to realize that being a donor can have a negative effect on herself.Erikson states that people in the Identity versus identity confusion stage begin to evolve the ability to explore different alternatives to questions of concerns Noon). One of Ana's alternatives for her situation concerning the rights to her own body Is getting a Lawyer. In this scene she shows how important it is for her to have her own identity by wanting to sue her own mother (Captivates). When she tells the lawyer about her situation and presents him with her medical documents, it shows how she is mora lly developing and growing up to be an individual person? not an object (Excavates).This is a big step for somebody her age. One would expect her to go erectly to her mother Instead of going through the hassle of bringing the Justice system into play. During the identity versus isolation stage Erikson says, â€Å"Parents and teachers are important at this stage. They can help to inform a positive identity by providing opportunities and encouragement as adolescences explore the various options of life† (John). In Ana's case, her mother, Sara, is not there to encourage her to be an Individual or explore the many paths which she can take in life. This isolates her from both of her parents.In the court scene near the end, Sara and the lawyer debate about Ana's mindset. Sara says that she needs to continue to use Ana In order to save Kate, and she has no choice but to do so because she is too young to make her own decisions (Captivates). In opposition to Sara, the lawyer stands up for Ana since she has nobody else to stand up for her against her mother (Captivates). Instead of providing Ana with opportunities to be free from sacrificing herself for Kate, Sara decides that Ana cannot make decisions of her own because of her progressively unhealthy attachment to Kate.She Is hindering Ana's exploration by telling her what she wants and does not want (John). During the movie Kate Fitzgerald is in Kohlrabi's pre conventional stage of â€Å"personal usefulness. † Kate is getting increasingly sick and as each day goes by she is more and more accepting of the fact that she does not have much longer to live. Goldberg states, â€Å"To the person In this stage, what Is right is that which satisfies one's own needs and occasionally the needs of others† (Wee). Kate ultimately aims to please herself because she wants to be with her boyfriend who dies before her. This is the reason why she is not afraid to die anymore.In one scene, Kate has a conversation wit h Ana and says, â€Å"Would you pull the plug for me? (Captivates). This question takes Ana off guard, and Kate tells her that she is not afraid of dying. Her reason which justifies this statement is because her boyfriend has already moved on, which then leads her into convincing Ana into stop being a donor (Asseverates). Kate does not take her family's feelings Into account while she makes the decision to tell through to keep her alive, how much they love her and how hard it would be for Ana to claim the rights to her own body, but she looks past all of this and still puts her feelings first.The basic motivation â€Å"you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours† is what titivates Kate (Wee). Ana gets what she wants by manipulating Ana and telling her about the consequences of donating her kidneys (Captivates). Ana aims to please herself; however there are times when she recognizes how her cancer affects her family's bond. As she is in her hospital bed looking through a scrap book, she reflects on how the attention has always been on her rather than her older brother and Ana (Captivates).Part of her motive to let her cancer kill her is based on her siblings' feelings which she takes into consideration? if she is out of the picture then they will get more attention from their parents. Ana is functioning at Kohlrabies personal usefulness because her motivations are based on her personal gain, and she partially takes others' feelings into consideration when making decisions (Wee). Moreover, her moral development is still progressing and has the potential to be at the conventional level where she puts others before herself.This is seen because of the fact that she takes time to reflect on how her siblings feel when all the attention is on her. Sara Fitzgerald goes from Fowlers â€Å"personal faith† to â€Å"mystical faith. † A person who is in the personal faith stage may run into some gray areas and tension with there while searching for the truth (Wee). Sara's search for the truth about Skate's wants causes a lot of tension between her and her family because when the answers are in front of her, she does not see them or they seem to be unclear.Her attachment to Kate is causing her to be oblivious to the wants and needs of her children, especially Kate who wants to die. In the court scene, the brother says to Sara, â€Å"Skate's dying and everybody knows it! You Just love her so much that you don't want to let her go. She told you a million times, you didn't want to hear it† (Captivates). Sara hints that she is doing everything to in her power to please Kate by keeping her alive, but in reality she is only pleasing herself and this is part of the personal faith stage pertaining to gray areas and unclear answers.Only when her son brings the truth to her out in the open, does she realize that as she keeps her spirit alive, she is killing Skate's. This answer to the question she has been searching for is a bad thing for Sara in the short term, but has its benefits in the long run. It is bad because she the truth is not what she wants to hear and causes her spirit to weaken. It is good that she hears the truth because it gives her a chance to finally move on to the next level of spiritual growth, mystical faith.Before Kate dies, she begins to open up instead of turning her head away from what Kate has to say like she usually does. In the mystical faith stage the person challenges and improves structure because they are more accepting. Near the end of the movie when Kate shows Sara her scrapbook she made, she begins to cry and lays down beside Kate. This symbolizes that she is beginning to accept the fact that Kate is dying and she needs to let her go. Her acceptance at this time and even after Kate is gone shows her improvement in structure.For Sara, her transition from one stage to another took place by overcoming a crisis she was facing, which is what one should do in order to move on to the next stage of spiritual growth (Wee). Captivates, Nick, dir. My Sister's Keeper. Writ. Level Jeremy. Film. 26 Novo 2012. John , B. In search of the good: A catholic understanding of moral living. 2nd deed. Ottawa: the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2004. Print. Wee, J. â€Å"Fowlers Six Stages of Spiritual Growth. † Trans. Reappoint. Wee,J. â€Å"Kohlrabi's Stages of Moral Reasoning. † Trans. Reappoint.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

American Imperialism Essay

Identify the countries or areas where the United States engaged in imperialistic actions during the period from about 1870 to 1914. Discuss why each area was important to American empire building (political, economic, and social). Explain America’s expansionist ideals. What were some of the factors that justified American imperialist actions? Identify the current political status of these places in relation to the United States. Age of Imperialism: 1870 to 1914 Place Why was there interest? U.S. actions Status today China The United States wanted to sell American Goods to their market. Treaty of Wanghsia in 1844 opened several Chinese Ports for American trade. The United States is currently China’s greatest Ally. Samoa The United States wanted to support naval fleets in the Pacific. 1872; United States was granted a naval base at Pago Pago. In the 1880’s the United States, Germany as well as Britain jointly signed treaties of occupancy. 1899 the treat was revised giving the United States a protectorate over the Eastern islands which became U.S territory.  Unincorporated Territory of the U.S; now called American Samoa Hawaii The United States wanted to construct a naval base and wanted their sugar plantations. 1875; The United States signed a trade agreement with Hawaii. In 1887 the United States was allowed to construct a naval base at Pearl Harbor. In 1890; the U.S tariff policy placed heavy tax on exports from Hawaii. American rebels over threw the Queen and Hawaii didn’t receive annexation to the United States in 1898; after going into a Pacific War with Spain. Incorporated into the United Sates and the people became U.S. citizens in 1990. The Philippines The United States wanted the Philippines; in its effort to attain global power and to become a market for American manufactured products. The United States acquired the Philippines from Spain in 1898 after the Spanish-American War. In1899 a Filipino leader Agunaldo led a war against the U.S. which resulted in the country being an unorganized territory. The Philippines is currently an independent country. Cuba The United States wanted Cuba for their sugar plantations and its rich resources. The Spanish-American War of 1898 prompted the United States to declare war against Spain that resulted in the Cuban War of Independence. This war was started by Spain’s harsh treatment of the Cuban people which was unsuccessfully fought for decades. The Teller Amendment was legislation passed by congress which barred the United States from annexing Cuba; forcing the U.S to leave it independent once the war was over. Currently; the United States has imposed an embargo on Cuba in 1960 and broke diplomatic relations in 1961 following the Castro regime. The U.S has attempted to reach out to the Cuban government in regards to their human rights policies; in doing so the U.S implemented the 1994-1995 U.S- Cuba Migration Accords. Currently, the U.S still remains Cuba’s largest supplier of food. Puerto Rico The United States wanted to use Puerto Rico for it’s natural rich resources and for naval purposes. Towards the end of the Spanish-American War the U.S invaded Puerto Rico which at that time belonged to Spain. In December of 1898; the treaty of Paris was signed which ended the Spanish-American war and gave the U.S power over Puerto Rico. Commonwealth of the United States. Part 2 Answer each of the following prompts with a response of at least 200 to 300 words: Trace the path of American imperialism during the period from about 1870 to 1914 through political, military, and economic events. Why was the United States interested in expansion in these areas? Why was America building a global empire? What were the benefits of America’s imperialistic actions for the people in these countries or areas? What were the disadvantages? How would you describe their experiences in terms of being conquered, assimilated, or marginalized? What were the moral implications of American imperialism? How did Imperialists justify their actions? How did the Anti-Imperialists justify their position? Consider the role of race, economics, science, and religion. What significance did the Spanish-American War have in the development of the United States as an empire and world power? Do you think the United States is currently an imperialist country? Why or  why not? Cite and reference all information sources consistent with APA guidelines.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Requirements of legislation Essay

Explain how the requirements of legislation, codes of practice and agreed ways of working influence professional supervision. Legislation has leaded us to the point of view that supervision is the requirement for all staff: 1) National Minimum Standards – Supplying good practice of supervision is a mandatory requirement set by National Minimum Standards in UK– covering all criteria and aspects of practice (for example policy and procedures; job descriptions and keeping a balance between outcomes for organisation and the development of the staff), career development needs – (for instance professional training), ensuring that staff gets support from supervisors in the area where they are not coping well. In my setting the staff is supported for acquiring continuous professional development courses offered on-line by the HighScope Research Foundation, time is set for in-house CPD sessions by supervisors. One- to one sessions are held by the supervisor to identify the gaps and allocate the distribution of CPD. Staff is given clear guide lines on safe guarding and other policies, procedures and the job descriptions, realistic outcomes are set for the nursery by supervision, keeping in view the current level of development of the staff. 2) Revised EYFS Welfare requirements — In our practices this has lead to staff being advised to report to any inappropriate behavior of other staff leading to abuse and neglecting of children in the setting and the supervisors maintain absolute confidentiality of such matters Use of mobile phone is prohibited. Staff is not allowed to take pictures of children from their mobile phones. Alternatively sharing pictures on social media websites is strictly prohibited Staff is encouraged to take on CPD – 100% financial aid is provided to take online HighScope courses, once the gaps are identified by talking through the supervisor. 3) CWDC resources – performance management and dynamic and enabling supervisory relationship – This has provided a supervision tool, where quality and service standards are met at the same time retaining the staff. In my setting staff is encouraged to take new skills and knowledge and implement them. They take balanced and calculated risks and experience their new learning in action, without the supervisors taking control of their activities and blaming them for unexpected outcomes. Eventually this leads to success in outcomes. High quality care services are provided with new skills, development of integrated working is supported along with CPD. Bibliography: Book: Jane Cook, (2013) Leadership and Management is Early Years, Practical Pre-School Books Website:†¦/professional-supervision

Friday, September 27, 2019

Credit crunch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Credit crunch - Essay Example The people have started to understand the real issues behind this credit crunch because it has impacted their lives in a very negative way. It has turned the rich into poor very quickly and the poor have no where to hide as well (Author Unknown 2008). In essence, the credit crunch has played absolute havoc with the people of this world and there seems to be no stopping on this premise at all. Much needs to be done and for that to happen, the world’s biggest financial and economic bodies need to sit down together and devise a way for further progress and resilience within these areas. The historic basis of this credit crunch started when some of the world’s leading banks and financial institutions came down crashing some 2 years back. It brought with it a plethora of issues and troubles for the people, be them within the small sized markets or within the big institutions that played with the economic issues of the people. The move destroyed the basis of any economic activity within the world and hence these activities came to a standstill all of a sudden. American and British companies started to see downsizing and job cuts, which meant that more people started to lose their jobs and they had to bear the direct consequences due to this credit crunch. What was worse was the fact that the established companies which were doing pretty well within the global contexts also came down crashing (Anderson 2007). The liquidity basis was therefore hit very badly and the people within the financial groups were blamed for such a situation that had arisen in the first p lace. The historic basis of credit crunch has resulted due to a number of reasons apart from these as well. The dependence of one money regime over the other has also been the root cause behind such debacle in the first place and therefore the blame must be shared amongst all concerned. What is worst is the fact that people have been at the mercy of such financial

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Investment Risk Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Investment Risk - Research Paper Example These might include people who either have very small investments or can not afford to diversify; or people who have very strong belief that the stock in which they have concentrated their investments into, will perform as good as they desire. There are many risks to an investment in stocks that an ordinary shareholder has to experience and has to deal with, in order to ensure that his or her investment does not result into a loss. One easiest way to minimize risks is to invest into only those stocks that belong to the companies that are generally called 'blue chips'. These are the most stable in the market and have little risk of the investment going bad. But, these are also accompanied by a lower rate of return. As a general rule, the higher the risk, the higher the gain, and vice versa. Hence, it is critical for the investor to understand the nature of company he or she is investing into. The risks are required to be kept low but at the same time, the purpose of the investment is to earn profits. This takes us to the discussion around the efficient frontier, which is explained as the optimum portfolio that gives the highest returns while ensuring the security and risk appetite of the investor. This is called as the optimal portfolio or operating at the efficient frontier. Whenever an investor invests into any stock, he or she takes on two broad kinds of risks, known as systematic risk and non-systematic risk. The systematic risk is due to market conditions like interest rate movements, recession in the economy and other factors that are not in the control of the investors. The non-systematic risk, however, is the one that can be reduced to lower levels using various strategies for risk management including diversification. Diversification is defined as keeping one's investments into different securities instead of keeping all money in one stock. This is important since different market conditions affect the stock market differently and this affect does not appear on all stocks in the same fashion. Hence, it is possible that an investor faces huge losses by keeping all the investments in specific stocks. Diversification allows the standard deviation around the desired average investment returns to be minimum which is what is desired from the stock inv estments. Any portfolio that lies on the efficient frontier has least risk and the most optimal return on the investment. Investors should aim to achieve this efficient frontier in order to reap the maximum benefits with least loss expectancy. Hence, the concepts of portfolio risk, portfolio investment theory and efficient frontier are closely tied together. This framework is called Modern Portfolio

The Relationship between the Director and Directee Essay

The Relationship between the Director and Directee - Essay Example This in essence means that spiritual directors should have love for their spiritual directees. In the video, we also learn that good spiritual directors should be humble and should not impose their views or their wishes on their spiritual directee; this point is actually supported by Barry and Connolly when they say that humbleness is one of the pre-requisite of good spiritual direction. Again, we learn from the video that good spiritual directors should be competent in their work, and that they should have a good grasp of the teachings of the church; this view is supported by Barry and Connolly when they say that competent spiritual directors should undergo specialized training meant to prepare them for the ministry of spiritual direction. The other important point that we learn from the video is that competent spiritual direction requires confidentiality on the part of the spiritual director; in the video, we find Fr. Cain as the spiritual director quite confident in his work in di recting Virginia Blass, his spiritual directee. Lastly, we learn from the video that a good spiritual director should be a good listener, this view is emphasised by Barry and Connolly in their writing. In this interview, my interviewee is Pastor Eric Brown. Pastor Brown has been involved in the ministry of spiritual direction for the last five years. The following is a summary of my conversation with Pastor Brown. Answer: I recognized my call to the ministry of spiritual direction after being a pastor for five years. Before I became a spiritual director, I was involved in the ministry of preaching the word and I had travelled to many places preaching the word, including to places like Africa and India. During this time, many people whom I preached to inquired from me how they could know the ways of the Lord in their lives. After reflecting for quite a long time about how I could help

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Managing people- Structure and Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing people- Structure and Culture - Essay Example The secret of their success is that they try to do every work with efficiency. In order to perform efficiently researchers have identified many theories and models, which organizations have adopted freely. These have focused on the theories and models of organization structure and culture. Both of these are very important for an organizations success. In order to study in detail the structure and culture of an organization I have selected one of the largest banks in UK which is HSBC. This paper not only focuses on discussing the structure of bank but also identifies it impact on the workforce and the possible changes in future (Mullins Laurie J, 2007, p.550) In today’s global environment HSBC bank is the biggest financial service provider. It is one of the largest banks in UK, having its headquarters in London. It has 10,000 offices in 82 states some of which are in Middle East, Asia –Pacific Regions, Africa, Europe, United Kingdom etc. it have a wide network. HSBC Holdings Plc has 200,000 shareholders in hundred nations, such as in Hong Kong, UK, Paris, New York etc. Due to the facilities of internet and other technological systems HSBC provides many financial services to the customers, which includes personal financial services, investment banking, commercial banking, and other products and services. HSBC mainly considers principles and values in the organization. It provides financial services to small and medium sized enterprises. It has more than three million customers on the list which includes public companies, incorporated businesses, associations, clubs, partnership and sole proprietorship. HSBC organizational structure model is similar to the model defined in the theories of organizational behavior as shown in figure 1. A normal model of structural framework is used in a chart. It emphasizes on the fact that organizational structure provides

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Managemnent psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Managemnent psychology - Essay Example He further asserts that management psychology focus is basically on individuals and groups. In this particular issue, character is often used to define an individual’s personality. Personality can be attributed to individuality in the context of one’s internal states that manifests in the form of feelings and thoughts. It is also related to the attributions that cause an individual to behave in a certain manner, as well as, the ‘experienced stable core’ of an individual. In addition, it also entails how an individual interacts with other people in a social set up. There are tests and surveys in psychology that conceptualizes and classifies some aspects of workers’ selves. The sole purpose of these tests/surveys is to predict behavior, emotions and attitudes of employees and to provide a platform for their management (Alvesson & Willmott, 1996). Evidently, personality can be viewed in terms of ideologies, interaction, and context in question. In the 20th century, psychology surfaced as a tool and technique in the managerial skills. It was characterized by rationality in governance in terms of logics; increased means utilization throug h instrumental focus; and focus on work design, as well as, the organization. The traditional forms of authority where leadership was determined by social status and class were replaced. People began perceiving management as a form of profession. The impact of this phenomenon was that since it was viewed as a distinct occupation, the notion of competence was embedded into management. Individual knowledge-based was embraced in the context of economics, ergonomics, studies on time and motion, and industrial psychology (Thompson & Ackroyd, 1995). This contributed to the guidelines for roles in supervision which later incorporated social abilities. The supervisory mandates included literacy, technical skills, analytical, and numeracy skills. Feelings as an aspects that define

Monday, September 23, 2019

How did the hurricane Katarina impact the reservation price on the Term Paper

How did the hurricane Katarina impact the reservation price on the housing market in New Orleans, before and after the catastrop - Term Paper Example Almost 80% of New Orleans city was covered with floods. About 1800 people lost their lives to the hurricane; property of $80 billion worth belonging to the Orleanais was damaged, and in August 2005, after the floods swept in, millions of civilians were left with no homes. Hurricane Katrina was graded the sixth among the strongest storms that had ever been experienced and was the costliest. The strength of this storm waved to over 30 deep sea miles and when it was at its extreme, the winds from the hurricane covered more that 75 deep sea miles from the central point moving on to the east side. Over 400,000 employees lost their jobs following hurricane Katrina and this led to the financial crisis suffered by the Gulf Coast. This paper will discuss the effects and impacts on the reservation price on the housing market in New Orleans before and after the catastrophe (Bergal, 2007). Katrina engendered storm outpours and deluges, which in turn led to a 75% area flooding in the metropolitan of New Orleans. More than half of the embankment and failures in the floodwalls were brought into being by overlapping in that, as the storm outpours aggravated farther up the acmes of either or both the embankments and their floodwalls, the subsequent erosions fructified than expected and gave rise to breaches/failures. The most articulate and coherent missteps included the failures that took place on the banks adjacent to the 17th street and London avenue estuaries. These three failures could have resulted from the implosion and inadequacy in part of the basal foundation soil concealing the levees, conjointly with sand boils and sinkholes. According to analysts, Hurricane Katrina caused the death of more than 1,100 Louisiana residents. One third of the incidences of death took place in hospitals and shelters in flooded areas. The drowned victims made up to two thirds and the most of the casualties were elderly people because 60% of the reported cases were those of people aged 65 and over. The number of deaths was higher in areas with large water depths. Hurricane Katrina and the Social Contract Game theory Arguably, if the destruction that New Orleans went through resulted from terrorist attacks, it would have been ranked highest historically (Miller, 2006). This is not as a result of the many innocent lives that were lost or the valuable property that went into destruction, but because of the evident social order destruction in the region. A terrorist envision would bring nothing better than planting seed of hatred and watering them with the blood of innocent citizens, and increasing the mistrust among the government and the citizens in fulfilling their respective duties in the â€Å"social contract†. Socrates arguments gives a clear trace of the social contract concept though scholars like Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and the likes of Rousseau later modernized the concept (Binmore, 1998). To analyses the concept, late 20th century scholars used game-t heoretic reasoning. In this, they concentrated on thee 2*2 matrix games. The most accurate 2*2 game is the â€Å"Stag Hunt†. Taking after Rousseau, it gives a description of developing cooperative effort ideas among human generations. Player 2 Hunt Stag (Cooperate) Hunt Hare (Defect) Player 1 Hunt Stag (Cooperate) 4,4 1,3 Hunt Hare (Defect) 3,1 2,2 What the above Table on Stag Hunt elaborates is the fact that with cooperation, it is easier to realize excellent results that

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Corrosion Pillowing in Aircraft Fuselage Lap Joints Essay Example for Free

Corrosion Pillowing in Aircraft Fuselage Lap Joints Essay Nicholas C. Bellinger,âˆâ€" Jerzy P. Komorowski,†  and Ronald W. Gould†¡ National Research Council Canada, Institute for Aerospace Research, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6, Canada DOI: 10.2514/1.18589 This paper presents the results of studies that have been carried out at the National Research Council Canada on the effect that corrosion pillowing has on the structural integrity of fuselage lap joints. Modeling of corrosion pillowing using ï ¬ nite element techniques showed that the stress near the rivet holes increased to the material (Al 2024T3) yield strength when the corrosion present was above 6% thickness loss. In addition, the analysis showed that pillowing resulted in a stress gradient through the skin thickness, which suggested that semi-elliptical cracks with high aspect ratios could form. During teardowns of service-exposed lap joints, these types of cracks were found at numerous holes and a closer examination of the fracture surfaces revealed the presence of fatigue striations. Therefore, a new source of multisite damage, other than fatigue, was identiï ¬ ed. I. Introduction N THE 1980s, it became apparent that commercial transports would remain in service well beyond their original design life, which raised concerns that corrosion combined with fatigue could lead to catastrophic failures of fuselage lap joints. Although there are multiple lap joint designs present in a single fuselage, for older aircraft the majority of them consist of an outer and inner skin fabricated from aluminum 2024-T3 joined together with multiple rows of countersunk rivets (Fig. 1), as well as an adhesive layer. During the operation of an aircraft, the adhesive layer can deteriorate and disbond allowing moisture to migrate between the skins. This moisture can, in turn, breakdown the material protective system resulting in the formation of crevice corrosion. As the corrosion forms, the skins between the rivets are forced apart due to the presence of the corrosion products resulting in a bulging or â€Å"pillowing† of the skins. This phenomenon is referred to as corrosion pillowing and is the feature used to detect corrosion in lap joints using visual (ï ¬â€šashlight) nondestructive inspection techniques. This paper reviews the results to-date of studies that were carried out to determine the effect that corrosion pillowing has on the structural integrity of fuselage lap joints. The results indicate that corrosion pillowing can cause the formation of semi-elliptical cracks with high aspect ratios, which were found in a number of serviceexposed corroded lap joints. These cracks formed at a number of different rivet holes and thus are considered to be a new source of multisite damage (other than fatigue), which could signiï ¬ cantly affect the residual life and strength of a lap joint. II. Corrosion Pillowing Analysis A. Mathematical Model Presented as Paper 2023 at the 46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics Materials Conference, 13th AIAA/ ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference, 7th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Forum, 6th AIAA Gossamer Spacecraft Forum, and 1st AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, Austin, Texas, 18–21 April 2005; received 5 July 2005; revision received 17 February 2006; accepted for publication 17 March 2006. Copyright  © 2007 by National Research Council of Canada. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. Copies of this paper may be made for personal or internal use, on condition that the copier pay the $10.00 per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; include the code 0021-8669/07 $10.00 in correspondence with the CCC. âˆâ€" Structures Group Leader, Structures and Materials Performance Laboratory, 1200 Montreal Road, Building M14. †  Director General, Institute for Aerospace Research, 1200 Montreal Road, Building M3. †¡ Senior Technical Ofï ¬ cer, Structures and Materials Performance Laboratory, 1200 Montreal Road, Building M3. 758 The visual nondestructive inspections used to detect corrosion pillowing in fuselage lap joints are not capable of determining the level of corrosion that is present within a joint. Therefore, to determine if a correlation existed between the amplitude of the pillowing deformation of the outer skin of a lap joint to the degree of corrosion inside the joint, a mathematical model was developed. This model presumed that after the lap joint disbonds the aircraft skin between the rivets deforms perpendicularly to the lap joint surface to accommodate the additional volume required by the corrosion product. A chemical analysis on corrosion samples taken from service-exposed lap joints indicated that the insoluble product mainly consisted of aluminum oxide trihydrate (aluminum hydroxide), which has a molecular volume ratio of 6.454 times that of pure aluminum [1]. The model assumed that the corrosion product was distributed within the joint so as to exert a uniform lateral pressure on the fuselage skins. It was also assumed that the joint was symmetrical about its midplane and thus only the outer skin was modeled. The closed-form classical plate theory of Timoshenko and Krieger was used to calculate the deformation of the outer skin supported by equidistant rivets and subjected to a uniform lateral pressure [2]. This deformation was used to calculate the pillowing ratio given by the ratio of the central deï ¬â€šection to the volume under the deformed plate [3]. From this model, the central deï ¬â€šection was determined to be approximately 3.3 times the thickness loss for a rivet spacing ratio of one. To better understand the effect that the rivet spacing ratio had on corrosion pillowing, the deformed shapes of plates with various rivet spacing ratios were calculated and the results are plotted in Fig. 2. The results showed that as the rivet spacing increased, the relative deï ¬â€šections at the shorter edges decreased, whereas those at the longer edges increased, which can signiï ¬ cantly reduce the probability of detecting the corrosion visually. This suggests that the detection limit for joints with a high rivet spacing ratio, may be signiï ¬ cantly larger than the maximum allowed 10% thickness loss. B. Stress Analysis Because actual lap joints contain free edges and stiffeners, which cannot be modeled using the closed-form solution, ï ¬ nite element techniques were developed to model an actual aircraft lap joint (Fig. 1). This model included the effects of the hoop stress from the pressurization of the fuselage, the rivet prestress caused by the rivet installation as well as the corrosion pillowing stress. The fuselage curvature was ignored for all the analyses that were performed during this program.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Marketing Audit For Coca Cola Enterprises

Marketing Audit For Coca Cola Enterprises This report provides a complete comprehensive analysis of The Coca-Cola Company which includes an overview of the industry the company operates in, a PEST Framework analysis of the industry then moves on to analyzing the company itself. Company analysis includes a history of The Coca-Cola Company, a SWOT analysis of the segments The Coca-Cola Company operates through, a look at the customer, competitor stakeholder analysis of the company, to derive a strategic assessment of the same to finalize a conclusion a set of recommendations which can be implemented by Coke for a better market share. The Coca Cola is licensed to produce, sell distribute a range of beverages. The company owns the trade marks for most of these, supplies the concentrates is largely responsible for consumer marketing. The most popular product of the Coca-Cola Company is the Coca-Cola invented by pharmacist John Pemberton in 1886. Asa Candler brought the brand formula in 1889 that incorporated the Coca-Cola Company in 1892. Besides its namesake Coca-Cola beverage, Coca-Cola currently offers more than 500 brands in over 200 countries serves 1.6billion servings each day. Corporate social responsibility Council (CSR) makes Coke a more competitive company, responsibly manage the social, economic environmental impacts, manage risks, capture opportunities, innovate, reduce costs improve reputation with all groups of stakeholders. The results of Cokes latest marketing shift is still under evaluation but arguably the strongest most pervasive marketing distribution system in the world with Coke being the first soda drunk in outer space, even the sky may not be the limit. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO Executive Summary 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Looking at the Industry 4 1.2 Brief Profile of the Industry 4 1.3 Products Brands 4 2 Current Environment and Operations 5 2.1 PEST Analysis 5 2.1a Political aspects 5 2.1b Economic aspects 6 2.1c Social aspects 7 2.1d Technological aspects 7 2.2 SWOT Analysis 8 2.2a Strengths to bulid upon 8 2.2b Weaknesses to overcome 9 2.2c Opportunities to exploit 10 2.2d Threats to overcome 11 2.3 Customer Analysis 11 2.4 Competitor Analysis 12 2.5 Stakeholder Analysis 12 3. Strategy Assessment 13 4. Recommendations and Conclusions 13 LIST OF REFERENCES 15 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Looking at the Industry: The Coca-Cola Company is a beverage retailer, manufacturer marketer of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates syrups. Founded in Atlanta in 1886, Coca-Cola grew steadily from a local business to a multinational institution. In the last century, Coke became the ubiquitous symbol of American business in virtually every country around the world. (, 2010) 1.2 Brief Profile of the Industry: Coca-Cola, started in 1883, has successfully kept its brand relevant for over 100 years. Revenues in 2003 topped $21billion. The Coca-Cola Company only produces syrup concentrate which is then sold to various bottlers throughout the world who hold an exclusive territory. The company operates a franchised distribution system dating from 1889. The Coca-Cola Company owns its anchor bottler in North America, Coca-Cola Refreshments. The current chairman of Coca-Cola is Muhtar Kent. The Coca-Cola headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia. Its stock is listed on the NYSE is part of DJIA, SP 500 Index, the Russell 1000 Index the Russell 1000 Growth Stock Index. By the end of 2006, juices, waters other health functional beverages represented almost 1/3rd of their sales to meet changing consumer needs. Coca Cola aims to be a preferred supplier to its customers, to deliver superior financial results to its stake holders to provide its employees with a safe, healthy inclusive workplace. (Coca-Cola HBC, 2006) 1.3 Products and Brands: The Coca-Cola has 400 brands in about 200 countries besides its namesake Coca-Cola beverage. The first diet soft drink attempted by Coca-Cola was Tab, whose sales have dwindled since the introduction of Diet Coke. It also produces Fanta Sprite this drink was produced by Max Keith during World War II. The German Fanta Klare Zitrone (Clear Lemon Fanta) variety became Sprite, another of the companys bestsellers its response to 7Up soft drink. Valpre Bottled water was also released in South Africa. Due to the growing demand of healthy beverages from the consumers Coca-Cola introduced some more brands like Minute Maid Juices, Powerade sports beverage, flavoured tea Nestea which was a joint venture with Nestle, Fruitopia fruit drink Dasani waters. () The rest of the report is organized in the following way: Section 2: Current Environment Operations. Section 3: Strategy Assessment. Section 4: Recommendations Conclusion. 2. CURRENT ENVIRONMENT OPERATIONS: For a clear analysis of Coca colas environment the report focuses on PEST, SWOT, Customer, Competitor Stakeholder analysis of the company, thus to develop a set of marketing objectives of the company. 2.1 PEST analysis of Coca Cola: 2.1a Political aspects: Coke comes under FDA, food category, as being a non-alcoholic beverage. The government plays a role within the operation of manufacturing these products in terms of regulations. There are potential fines set by the government on companies if they do not meet a standard of laws. The following are some of the factors that could cause companys actual results to differ materially from the expected results described in their underlying companys forward statement:- Changes in laws regulations, including changes in accounting standards, taxation requirements, (including tax rate changes, new revised tax law interpretations) environmental laws in domestic or foreign jurisdictions. Political conditions, especially in international markets, including civil unrest, government changes restrictions on the ability to transfer capital across borders. Their ability to penetrate developing emerging markets, which also depends on economic political conditions, how well they are able to acquire or form strategic business alliances with local bottlers make necessary infrastructure enhancements to production facilities, distribution networks, sales equipment and technology. (, 2010) 2.1b. Economic aspects: The U.S. economy was strong nearly every part of it was growing doing well, however things changed. Most economists loosely define a recession as 2 consecutive quarters of contraction, or negative GDP growth. The non-alcoholic beverage industry has high sales in countries outside the U.S. According to the Standard and Poors Industry surveys, For major soft drink companies, there has been economic improvement in many major international markets, such as Japan, Brazil, Germany. These markets will continue to play a major role in the success stable growth for a majority of the non-alcoholic beverage industry. 2.1c. Social aspects: Many U.S. citizens are practicing healthier lifestyles. This has affected the non-alcoholic beverage industry in that many are switching to bottled water diet colas instead of beer other alcoholic beverages. Also, time management has increased is at approximately 43% of households. The need for bottled water more convenient healthy products are important in the average day-to-day life. Consumers from the ages of 37-55 are also increasingly concerned with nutrition. There is a large population of the age range known as the baby boomers. Since many are reaching an older age in life they are becoming more concerned with increasing their longevity. This will continue to affect the non-alcoholic beverage industry by increasing the demand overall in the healthier beverages. 2.1d Technical aspects: The effectiveness of companys advertising, marketing promotional programs is crucial task. The new technology of internet television is the use special effects for advertising through media. They make some products look attractive. This helps in selling of the products. This advertising makes the product attractive. This technology is being used in media to sell their products. Introduction of cans and plastic bottles have increased sales for Coca-Cola as these are easier to carry can bin them once they are used. CCE has instituted an internal carbon tax on air travel and encouraged the use of video conferencing internet document sharing. As the technology is getting advanced there has been introduction of new machineries. Due to introduction of these machineries the production of the CCE has increased tremendously than it was few years ago. (, 2007) CCE has 6 factories in Britain which use the most stat-of-the-art drinks technology to ensure top product quality speedy delivery. Europes largest soft drinks factory was opened by CCE in Wakefield, Yorkshire in 1990. The Wakefield factory has the technology to produce cans of Coca-Cola faster than bullets from a machine gun. 2.2 SWOT of Coca Cola: 2.2a Strengths to build upon: An extremely recognizable branding is one of the greatest strength of Coca-Cola. Out of the 5 leading soft-drink brands being sold worldwide, the company produces sells 4 of them, Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta Diet Coke. Consumer loyalty to the company its products remains high, which is evident from the high market acceptance of  Coca-Colas introduced products newly.  Coca-Cola Zero, which was introduced in the North American market in 2005, garnered a 1% market share in supermarkets in the year of its launch. Enjoyed more than 685m times a day around the world Coca-Cola stands as a simple, yet powerful symbol of quality and enjoyment was stated by Allen in 1995. The company has been entering other non-alcoholic beverages segments to widen its presence in the beverages market like sports drinks juices which has been successful. Minute-Maid is presently available across 80 nations, its share in several juice markets in the world improved with 11% increase in sales volume of Minute-Maid products in 2005. The annual per-capita consumption of the companys products is increasing worldwide stood at about 32 servings (1 serving = 8 US fluid ounces of finished beverage) in 1985, increasing to 55 servings in 1995. In 2005, the average consumption per-capita was 77 servings. In North America, companys products stood at about 413 servings in 2005. (, 2010) 2.2b Weakness to overcome: In January 2004,  CCE has introduced the Dasani brand of bottled water in the UK. By March 2004,  Coca-Cola  recalled the product owing to the discovery of excess levels of bromate in the product, which could cause side effects including cancer in human beings. This resulted in recall expenses of $32m for the company. Coca-Colas sales have been hampered to a certain extent by rumours myths about the company its products. The companys sales in the Middle East were affected by rumours alleging that  Coca-Cola  is a Jewish company its trademark carries anti-Muslim messages. The companys sales in South Asia, particularly in India, were affected in recent years due to allegations of  Coca-Colas drinks containing pesticides. These rumours myths have impaired the companys image to some extent. (, 2010) The companys bottling activities are predominantly carried out by 3rd parties or bottling partners. The companys 2nd largest contributor to revenues (close to 19% in the 1st quarter of 2006) was its Bottling Investments segment.   Coca-Cola does not have any control over its bottling partners financial positions, which could be affected by market trends, competition their accessibility to capital resources. Though Coke has the right to unilaterally change prices of its syrups concentrates, the changes could be enforced only if its bottling partners have the ability to pass on the price increases to their consumers. In light of the bottlers high contribution to  Coca-Colas revenues, the company is more vulnerable to the threat of revenue impairment than its peers with more direct distribution activities. (, ND) 2.2c Opportunities to exploit: Coca-Colas products are being consumed, only 1.3b times a day. Furthermore, though Cokes products reach over 200 nations owing to its comprehensive distribution network, there are countries where the average per-capita consumption remains below 50 servings per day. Countries that fall in this category include the worlds 2 most populated nations, India and China. These markets provide tremendous growth opportunities for  Coca-Cola. The company has identified strategic areas for its expansion, which would complement its core business of manufacturing carbonated soft-drinks. In this regard, the company integrated its strategy, innovation and marketing efforts pumped in additional financial resources of $400m in 2005. It  is also expected to enter the freshly brewed coffee and tea businesses, on a trial basis, under the banner, Far Coast. (AsiaPulse News, 13 February 2004) The company modified its revenue growth strategy by adopting the best practices that were followed in its systems in Brazil Argentina. The company is also working with the bottling partners for better implementation of its revenue growth strategy, to increase profitability from case volume sales improving efficiency in worldwide operations. The company also foresees greater potential for growth in the immediate-consumption channel drafted an immediate-consumption strategy for its worldwide operations. The company worked with its suppliers bottling partners to develop advanced equipment, which would offer a new beverage experience to the immediate-consumption channel. Coca-Cola  is also benchmarking best practices in its top immediate-consumption markets to be implemented in other worldwide markets. 2.2d Threats to avoid: The increasing awareness about obesity among consumers, particularly youngsters, triggered by the consumption of non-diet carbonated soft drinks, is expected to dampen demand for the companys beverages from the youth segment in the future. In the recent past, consumer forums in the US threatened to file lawsuits against  Coca-Cola   other carbonated soft-drink producers, for pursuing deceptive practices associated with contracts for selling carbonated soft drinks in schools. The main ingredient in most of  Coca-Colas products is water, a scarce resource in many countries due to a host of factors including pollution of water bodies, inefficient water management and overexploitation of water resources. (Klebukov P, 22 December 2003) The soft drink industry is very strong, but consumers are not necessarily married to it. Tea, coffee, juices, milk hot chocolate are possible substitutes that continuously put pressure on Coke. It  faces tough competition not only from global players such as  PepsiCo, but also from local players. Competitors for  Coca-Cola include Cadbury Schweppes, Nestlà ©, Kraft Foods  Ã‚  Groupe-Danone. The companys efforts towards consolidating its market position could be restrained by the increased competition from these players. 2.3 Customer analysis: In a survey conducted recently by Coca Cola, a sequence of consumers purchasing preference is recorded which is Taste, Brand name, Packaging, Price, Easy availability and advertisement. The intensity of colour the flavour are the key drivers behind consumer acceptance of beverages then the packaging labelling, says a new study involving DANONE. 10 to 20 year age groups are consuming more Coca Cola than any other age segmentation. The customers loyalty for Coca-Cola has always been consistent though cokes price is slightly higher to that of Pepsi other brands. In response to the growing consumer preference for low calorie products, Coke launched Coke Zero, Diet Coke other health drinks whose sales are on top throughout the world. (Khermouch G Brandy D, August 4, 2003) 2.4 Competitor analysis: Coca-Colas direct competitor is PepsiCo whose strength is low carbonated energy drinks, weakness is snack foods. PepsiCo uses celebrities to attract customers. 60% of its profits come from snack foods 40% from drinks, PepsiCo has growing profits by 15% per annum. With Coca-Colas strength being in fizzy drinks, competitors would try to capitalize on its weaker products. Coca-Cola has recently acquired Subway soft drink business, which was previously served by Pepsi. Coke is the most popular beverage in the world, while Pepsi enjoys it only at home. By comparison, rival Pepsi-Colas brand value is a mere $11.78b. (Marketing, December 18 2003) 2.5 Stakeholder analysis: Most businesses have to consider the impact of their activities on stakeholders Coca-Cola is no exception. Coca-Cola identified its stakeholders as its employees, civil organizations, governments, regulatory authorities, non-governmental organizations, suppliers, consumers, investors, shareowners analysts. Understanding stakeholder concerns perceptions is essential to operating a successful business like Coke these positive long-term relationships built on the basis of trust common goals help them create a sustainable business growth. In 2006, engagement with stakeholders focused on key strategic issues like addressing obesity, water resource, packaging waste management, tackling climate change. In response to the employee engagement survey the company implemented action plans developed engagement internal communications. The company also worked with government agencies, NGOs industry peers to increase recycling protect water bodies. Coke has set up CRIS-consumer response i nformation centres in every country to address consumer enquiries. Regular communications with shareholders include road-shows, web-casts briefings. (, ND) 3. STRATEGY ASSESSMENT: Coca-Cola now gets 2/3rds of its revenues from outside the United States. Its easier to name the countries where coke is not available. Everywhere else including such tricky markets as Pakistan, Cambodia, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Liberia Colombia Coke is a beloved consumer staple. The brand is so strong entrenched that even the anti-American sentiments of 9/11 after have not hurt the sales. Coca-Colas brand valuation increased from $68.95b in August 2001 to $70.45b in 2003. Coca-Cola remains the top global brand, achieving the top ranking in BusinessWeeks Global Brand Scorecard once again in 2003. A small set of recommendations would help achieve Coke attain greater heights as discussed below. (Wamer F, April 2003) 4. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS: With the help of PEST, SWOT other analysis, the internal external environment of CCE has been analysed. Coca-Cola operations extend across 28 countries establishing, developing emerging markets according to business infrastructure, economic development growth prospectus. Through innovation acquisition, Coca-Cola owns operates 81 bottling plants, 64 soft drink plants, 3 juice plants 14 mineral water plants. The strength of Coca-Colas system allows infinite growth in the global market. They have the resources available for this opportunity but they must develop marketing strategies that have local appeal as this is essential for their success. Through their brand reputation vast marketing experience, Coca-Cola has the ability to extend the recognition of their brand logo. However it would be best to leverage brand equity their financial resources, to accelerate global market penetration with a view to long term profits. Coke must continue to evolve its market share. The effectiveness of TV ads is declining due to media fragmentation use of devices like TIVO that let viewers zap commercials. So it is advisable for Coke should divert money previously spent on TV towards more experimental activities like setting up of lounges in teen malls offer exclusive music videos, video games sell coke drinks from Coke machines. (Faust D, p.77, March 1, 2004) With the threat of political economical instability, Coke must consider each countrys unique cultural, political, legal economic environment to extend its market share. With the threat of increasing health consciousness among consumers, it is advisable for Coke to further resource their fruit drink product lines as this market sector is growing rapidly. In laying out an appropriate marketing mix, Coke must consider product, distribution, promotion price, therefore developing a marketing mix for each customer group. In a fairly saturated slow moving beverage industry if Coca-Cola can diversify expand on these products globally they would gain a huge market share a great competitive advantage that would allow for greater long-term profits increase dominations into the next century. LIST OF REFERENCES Coca-Cola HBC 2006, Social Responsibility report 2006,, Greece. Viewed 5 December 2010, Viewed 5 December 2010, Viewed 5 December 2010, Viewed 6 December 2010, Viewed 6 December 2010, Dean Faust, Coke:Wooing the TiVo Generation, BusinessWeek, March 1, 2004, p.77. Paul Klebukov, Cokes Sinful World, Forbes, December 22, 2003, p.86. Coca-Cola Japan to Debut Beer-flavoured Soda Next Month, AsiaPulse News, February 13, 2004. How Coke Moulded our view of Santa Claus to Fuel Winter Sales, Marketing, December 18, 2003. Gerry Khermouch and Diane Brandy, The Top 100 Brands, BusinessWeek, August 4, 2003. Fara Wamer, Chris Lowe Time To Get Real, Fast Company, April 2003.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Most Influential Event in the 20th Century was the Cold War :: essays research papers

What event of the 20th century, not 21st, has had the greatest impact on the world in which we live today? Justify your answer and describe the relationship between the event you choose and the current state of global affairs. The 20th century was arguably the most eventful span of a hundred years ever. Innumerable wars (Including two World Wars), countless inventions and discoveries, space explorations, great achievements, Liberalization of various countries, have occurred during this span of time. I would pick out one such incident from the 20th century which has had a great impact- if not the greatest on the world. According to me, The Cold war which lasted for nearly forty-three years was a significant event in the 20th century. Although no official war was declared during this period of time between the United States of America and the then-U.S.S.R., it was a crucial face-off between these two superpowers to expand their influence over the globe.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Siddhartha :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   SIDDARTHA’S FOLLOWING OF THE FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS In this paper, I will be explaining how Siddhartha had arrived at the Four Noble Truths. The first paragraph contains how Siddhartha’s life was full of suffering, pain, and sorrow. The second paragraph will be the cause of suffering is the desire for things that are really illusions in Siddhartha’s life. Following, in the third paragraph I will be explaining how the only way to cure suffering is to overcome desire. Finally, I will be explaining that the only way to overcome desire is to follow the Eightfold Path. The first Noble Truth is, all life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow. Siddhartha had related to this due to his riches. Siddhartha had gained great wealth due to his working for Kamaswuasi. However, the only piece that Siddhartha lacked was that he knew his wealth was superficial. Though every man wishes he be rich, Siddhartha believed that being rich was not the key to reach nirvana. The second Noble Truth is, the cause of suffering is the desire for things that are really illusions, such as riches, power, and long life. Siddhartha had all of these things, however, no matter how rich, how powerful, how old, one can not reach nirvana by materialistic matters. In Siddhartha’s life, while a merchant, he played dice. However, when he lost he did not get mad, due to the fact that riches were not greatly important to him. The third Noble Truth is the only cure for suffering is to overcome desire. Siddhartha explains this Noble Truth by going to the river. In the river, he sees his shadow, and meditates. By meditating he is losing all the sorrows. As well, he is losing self and might help him achieve enlightenment. The last Noble Truth is the way to overcome desire is to follow the Eightfold Path. Siddhartha followed the Eightfold Path by when he was down by the river. When he was by the river he could live the life he wanted to by getting rid of all his sorrow and pain. The Eightfold Path consisted of right views, right aspirations, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right contemplation.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

The first model above demonstrates the negative production externality that is caused by factories that emit carbon pollution. A negative production externality occurs when the production or creation of a product results in negative spillover costs to society. In this case, it is the whole world’s population that is experiencing these negative spillover costs, as the carbon being emitted into the atmosphere from factories’ production of goods leads to global warming issues. Third parties (people who had no involvement in the transaction) are suffering as the environment surrounding them is being destroyed by carbon emissions from corporations. This can be seen above in the first model, as the market is producing where MSB (benefit of society) and MPC (private cost) meets, thus leading to a market failure and high external costs for society. Here, MSC (cost to society) is greater than the MPC. This results in a welfare loss, as the product is being overproduced and MSB ( benefit of society) is not equal to MSC and maximum utility as well as allocative efficiency are not reached. Theref...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Family Finance Essay

Doing a budget for my family or even for personal use is not a new experience for me. At a very young age, I was taught by my parents how to wisely manage my money so that I would have something to pull out in case I encounter emergency situations. I carried this on until adulthood and have been making budgets every now and then to make sure that my finances will be enough to cover my bills and other activities that need spending. †¢ What did you learn about credit card debt paying the minimum payment? I have been using credit cards for years now and I just realized, through this activity, that I know very little about the whole process. I thought that paying the minimum payment of my credit card bill will lessen my financial burdens. However, it only made things worse because of the interest it gained every month that I was not able to pay the whole balance. Banks do not properly educate their clients regarding these interests. They expect their clients to understand the terms and conditions that are written at the back of their forms like these contain terms that are easy to understand. †¢ Why is having emergency money in a savings account important? It is important to have emergency money in a savings account because this would mean that a person will have something to pull out when he or she encounters tight situations involving money. A person, even with a planned budget, can inevitably overspend at times. There are also instances when he or she will encounter situations wherein he or she would have to shell out a large amount of money. In these cases, it is always better to have extra money in one’s savings account to avoid the hassle of borrowing from others or from financial institutions. Borrowing from friends or relatives would be easy because they will most likely lend the person the money that he or she needs, at times without even asking any questions. The case would be different in banks because this would require a great deal of process before the load would be approved. In addition, the person would suffer from the interests that the bank will place on him or her, which will depend on how much the loan will be. Instead of making people’s lives easier, loaning from financial institutions can become a nightmare. †¢ What is a credit score? What are the major credit reporting agencies? A credit score is a â€Å"number generated by a mathematical algorithm based on information in a person’s credit report† (Curry, n.d.). This score is used by lending agencies to decide whether to lend the borrower the money that he or she requests or not. It is therefore important to have an ideal credit score. The ideal credit score is about 720 or higher but most people will score 600 to 800 (Curry, n.d.). A good credit score will allow the person to borrow money easily and to have low interest rates. Financial institutions can also use this information to decide whether to increase a person’s interest rate or increase his or her credit limit. There are three major credit reporting agencies and these include Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. †¢ What can occur if you are a victim of identity theft? â€Å"Identity theft consists of stealing another person’s identifying information and using the information to take money or make purchases† (Bergman, Berman-Barrett, & Berman, 2008, p.293). The sad thing here is that these purchases that thieves would make becomes the responsibility of the victim. Worse, the victim’s reputation will be put to risk because it is his or her name that is being used by the perpetrator. It can take several days or weeks to clear one’s name in companies and establishments, especially in financial institutions because the person would have to prove that his or her identity was stolen. Section Two †¢ During premarital counseling, what can individuals learn about finances? Premarital counseling is important for couples to take before getting married because this would prepare them for the different issues that they may encounter in their married life. One of the many issues that they have to be prepared about is their finances. They will learn how to keep track of their finances. They will learn how to budget and stick to their financial limits so that they do not go overboard. If they own debts at the time of counseling, they will realize that they should pay these off so that they can start clean before getting married. They also need to open a savings plan for rainy days. Also, they need to have a retirement investment fund so that they do not have to worry when the time comes that they need to retire. †¢ How does understanding finances help with a relationship, in particular, within a marriage relationship? One of the major problems that couples face in their married life is their finances. More often than not, this is the cause of divorce or separation. Understanding their finances will help them realize the steps that they need to take in order for them to not experience money troubles. They will realize that they need to work together and not independently to be able to save and have enough money for their family. If they understood their financial status and the things that they have to do in order for them to have a good financial stats, it is most likely that they will also understand each other and have better relationship. †¢ Is it possible for finances to lead a marriage to divorce? As mentioned above, it is possible that financial problems can lead a marriage to divorce. There are times when a person who feels that the other is not exerting enough effort to support the whole family financially will decide that it is better to separate than to live with financial burdens. There are times when money matters are the cause of regular fights, especially if one makes more money than the other. Divorce can happen if couples do not talk about their financial status and try to come up with solutions for their problems. †¢ Do children have an impact on finances? Having children do have an impact on finances as compared to couples living with only the two of them together. Children would mean that the couple would have to budget for clothes, food, toys, education, and other activities to support their growth and development. It would also mean that the couple would have to save in case of emergency like hospital emergencies and the like.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Holes by Louis Sachar Essay

The book â€Å"Holes† by Louis Sachar is an interesting book that relates with friendship, independence and justice. Although this is pure fiction by its immaterial plot, it does not have a bad concept that could affect our child’s understanding of our long history of culture. We could include this book among our collection of stories for the kids in our library because for a child this book is full of fun and adventure. Its content can further contribute to the active imagination of young students and it could also provide interest in their reading for adventure books. Consequently, this book tells the story of a young boy whose family has been experiencing bad luck because his grandfather has been put in a curse. The clan has since been gripped by importunate events. One day bad luck falls on Stanley Yelnats, one of the great grandsons of the cursed man. He was hit by an expensive pair of tennis shoes on the head. Wondering who could have done that thing, the owner of the shoes saw him holding them and was immediately accused of stealing them. Since he is from a poor family the boy cannot afford to defend himself and was incarcerated. He was given options to choose between two camps for his exile and he chose Camp Green Lake assuming it would be full of plants and vegetation out there. But the camp is a dessert and they have to do hard labor digging Holes all day with his campmates. Notwithstanding the harsh weather in the dessert, he also has to deal with his camp mates who are also harshly unpredictable. Each of them has different personalities and eccentricities but they began to form friendship. Digging Holes everyday in the dessert seems like a never ending nightmare to the boys. Although the purpose of these Holes is a puzzle to them the warden’s goal for these digging is to find the long lost buried treasures which Stanley’s grandfather has buried (Sachar â€Å"Read Aloud Recommendations†). The antecedence of the story creates a wondrous marvel to readers. The whirlwinds which seemingly struck the audience is a valor for the author. Analysis There is however a controversial element that this book represents. Somehow this story portrays injustice and justice, bullying, and bad fate and juvenile delinquency. Further, there is also a bit of racism in there where the characters implies that it is against the law to kiss a black person. The term â€Å"negro† was included which was part of the plot in those days. But somehow, the use of history in the book was incredible. We can consider this book a fiction because of its plots, settings and the characters. For an adult it is likely overwhelming to believe such actions and events. But as I have said this book is just for fun nevertheless it could be an interesting book for small children because it has magic as well as values and lessons within (Sachar Holes). This story simply discusses life with friendship and love for freedom. And it could be presume that it does not propose or make any controversial issue which could harm our children’s learning and understanding. We could easily explain to children the way things goes with the story because it discusses the life of a boy in prison and the cruel treatments he suffered with the guards. He was somehow treated unfairly and we have to discuss these matters to the children that not all boys can have this experience and this can only happen in the book judging from our justice system today. And so it is recommended that this book or film could be advised to be read or watch by grade 5-6 students. For an adult, this book can be literally tedious as if everything was too unbelievable. We can just consider this as a tall tale and nevertheless have a little fun trying to pick up little puzzles altogether and connect them in the end. Many readers may have different understanding and association with this book but it surely connects to the point of friendship, loyalty and trust. Discussion With regard with questionable manners portrayed in the story, nothing really delineates the characters to more than just happy people but able to meet unfortunate events and get meshed with it somehow. Although there were instances that the characters show anger, frustrations and hopelessness, the intention to serve and protect other people is clearly indicated. This is the part where we can see changes and grow in the attitude of the characters. If we have to follow certain rules and guidelines in adapting this story to children in California, we have standards in this state that follows guidelines such as stated in the California Standards for Teaching Profession. It indicates that all students must have all the rights in learning with the teacher and this will be built on student’s knowledge, different life experiences and the goal to accomplish learning. That a teacher can use a variety of instructional materials and strategies that can correspond to every student are diverse needs. The teacher with her willingness and all the rights to make use of challenging experiences to each and every student living in different environment thus encouraging autonomy, freedom and interaction. It is also one of the exclusive rights of the teacher to actively participate and engage all the students in problem solving and critical thinking methods that may surpass any subject matter. Skills and concepts will be the tools in encouraging students to use them in real-life which could make their life significant. Teachers are the tools in the development of the students who will be more self-directed, demonstrative, more articulate and evaluative and this can start from the classroom. (California). Going back to the characters in the book, the children can be asked whom among the characters could very well fit to their personality, likes and dislikes and why? We can suggest that Stanley has portrayed the greatest and more challenging part in the story because of his courage and self-reliance. We can also discuss how characters grow to be more self-reliant and cooperative between them. We can also ask the significance of the title â€Å"Holes† to the students and explain its relevance. Or we can suggest meaning such as Holes in the title to signify Holes in our life and our society. The teacher can also suggest that the author wanted the young people to be independent in their shortcomings and weakness to be able to grow and change and merge with the society. All in all this book was made and published for children not to show discrimination, injustices and delinquency to children but to be able to analyze for themselves how they view things in the eyes of another child and how he made things better (Davis). Synthesis Formidably, this controversial story of Holes will not only catch the attention of the â€Å"juvenile† public, but as noted, it’s sense of distinctiveness is quite a pious form of prose which will surely leave minds in question as to whether the story helps in building the most justifiable sense of writing, or nevertheless the puzzling aroma pulls the trigger on bribing the minds of those who contain very minimal rationality. Personally, I loved the flow of the story and the sagacity which it coherently portrays piece by piece. It may have established ‘negative’ constraints towards ideals and perspectives on conventionality, but it fires up all the more.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Impact of War, Conflict & Terrorism on the UPS Essay

If there is a war and NATO decides that the UK needs to provide direct military action then the British Army will have to be prepared. War affects the army as an organisation because it means they will lose soldiers and have to retrain new ones. An example of this would be the crash of Nimrod XV230 which killed everyone on board, that highlighted the cost-pressure of the war. The training and recruiting of troops is expensive enough but to constantly sustain the high amount of soldiers that is required in a war such as Afghanistan it comes with great financial struggles, some soldiers have even had to do multiple tours in Afghanistan. Financial cuts are just getting more severe as well, in 2010 there were 102,000 trained personnel ready to support the UK but by the year 2020 there is only going to be 82,000. With this come more struggle and a more intense battle for any soldier fighting in a war in the future. Providing soldiers for a war also puts strain on welfare officers as they are the ones who have to deal with helping the wounded, grieving families and children who have lost fathers. Because the UK have had to provide such a strong army for many years now and have lost so much funding it means that they can’t afford to keep on anyone who is badly injured and those who claim compensation will not receive anything near what they may have in the past, this will directly affect the economy as these injured soldiers may not be able to return to a civilian job and will claim benefits. The war in Afghanistan caused the army to be equipped with a lot of new high tech equipment in a really short space of time, this meant they had to operate and maintain this equipment which weighs down logistics and is very costly in the long run. It seems that the more war the UK Army has to deal with the more money it is costing them, and with that comes setbacks and redundancies. This could lead to a lack of morale from the service men and women as they are being asked to do more but for fewer advantages. Another key issue from personnel at war besides physical injuries would be the mental damage they suffer. Statistics from the MOD show that between April and June 2013 there was 1367 new cases of  personnel suffering with a mental disorder in the Armed Forces, putting them at the highest amount of mental disorder sufferers than any of the other services. That’s just within a three month period, and with Afghanistan tours running every six or ninth months it just seems that number will rapidly heighten. Overall it seems the main impact the British Army suffers from when it comes to War is the financial cut backs. They are expected to do so much and constantly provide strong soldiers yet they aren’t seeing much in return. CONFLICT Conflict undercuts or destroys environmental, physical, human and social capital, destroying all available opportunities for a sustainable development. So saying that makes it clear that it is going to directly affect the well-being of the British Army because it results in the loss of lives and in some cases human rights. It is said that the British Army has been involved in some form of conflict for around 100 years now, so you could almost say it’s just part of the job and something you have to deal with. But similar to war, conflict has its effects, mentally and physically. There is a thin line between what makes a war and what makes a conflict therefore the effects are very similar, just the effects of a war would be on a much larger scale. Constant conflict is a burden for the UK army as it takes time away from training and puts pressure on troops to be sent out on a mission before they are ready. In some cases soldiers only have 6 months training before they are deployed somewhere, whereas others take part in training for a much longer period in time before sent anywhere. Conflict will also increase the stress levels within the British army which can lead to more serious problems such as extreme physical and emotional exhaustion. There is also the obvious factor that conflict can lead to war if it gets out of hand, which then would lead back to all the affects war has on the Army. Overall it seems that conflict affects the British Army in the exact same ways that a War does however just not on such a grand scale. TERRORISM Terrorism directly affects the British Army as they have to actively engage in counter-terrorism operations across the world. The main reason the British Army sends troops out to Afghanistan is to get rid of the Taliban regime and Al Qaeda, a well-known terrorist organisation. The British Army  enforces anti-terrorism alongside providing humanitarian aid. Not only does the British Army have to get rid of Al Qaeda but they also have to make sure they cannot return, this is a tough and time consuming task that has seen the death of many service personnel. Reference:

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Start Snitching

I believe that people should start snitching if they want to stop living in fear in their daily lives. This issue is becoming a very serious problem, and people in general, have a strong disbelief for law enforcement. The statistics for crime rates involving murder are increasing in the U. S. Majority of these high crime rates are in low poverty areas where there are low-income citizens. This problem clarifies why snitching is essential.There are far too many of our children who are becoming victims in the crossfire of drug conflict, domestic disputes, and other various forms of crime that creates violence. Often times you hear people say, â€Å"I‘m not going to snitch because the murder might see me out there in the streets or come to my home and kill me. † I agree, to some extent, and it saddens me to say that law enforcement has done a terrible job at protecting those who come forward to tell the truth.Until we become aware of our power, we will continue to live in fe ar. Therefore, if we do not feel safe, it is our responsibility to communicate the message to our source of protection. We can get involved by developing a snitching program that will allow us to arrange city council meetings and town hall meetings that will implement programs to make our community become safer. In my opinion, I agree that we all must take a stand for what is right for the next generation, because if we do not, no one else will.Many of us are aware about the things that take place in our communities. Punishing criminals by putting them in jail is supposed to serve as a deterrent for crimes being committed, meaning if you do the crime, you do the time. Thus, by not snitching, we are communicating the wrong message to our people. We are allowing them to think that what they are doing is right. We are simply saying that there is no reason to think before you act because there are no consequences, so you would not be punished.This is the number one reason why the crime rates are so high. We have communicated a message that people can kill one another and get away with it, and we will still protect them by keeping silent. Keeping silent will only worsen the situation. We as people need to become responsible citizens and start snitching because the death rate will continue to rise. We can stand up and make a change by getting involved and helping the authority solve these murders.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Christology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Christology - Essay Example Acts 2:32-32 says, â€Å"This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, He hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear†. Some other instances where this resurrection is the central theme are Acts 3:13-18; 4:10-12; 5:29-32; 10:37-43, and so on. Similarly, one can find this resurrection as the main theme in the Epistles. To illustrate, in 1 Corinthians 15, Paul provides a number of reasons why this resurrection is the basis of Christian faith. When some people in Corinth fail to believe in the resurrection of the dead, Paul explains the various dire consequences in the absence of resurrection. First, the act of preaching Christ will be futile, and hence, even faith in Christ will be useless. If Jesus were not resurrected from the dead, no one would be redeemed from sin as promised. That means all the preachers would be liars and Christians would be come a pitiable lot on the earth. Thus, one can see that it is this resurrection which gave the disciples enough courage and faith in what they preached. Secondly, the late 60s AD witnessed persecution of Christians by the Nero-led Roman government. In 62 AD, both Peter and Paul were executed, and this persecution continued till the early 4th century. In order to make the early Christians face the cruelties boldly, and to sacrifice their own life for this great cause, Jesus’ success over death acted as a catalyst (Vinzent 143). With this spirit, Romans 12:1 says, â€Å"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship†. Moreover, the Old Testament is full of prophesy about the resurrection, and for those who believed in Scriptures, the saviour is the one who would win over death. To illustrate, Hosea 5:15 reads, â€Å"I will go and return to my place, till they